About Us
The Mid-Atlantic Wireless Communication Group, Inc. is a Maryland based 501(c)(3) that builds and maintains radio related services like repeaters, digipeaters, BBSs, Winlink and any other radio related tool or service. Everyone is welcome to use any of services as long as they obey the rules.
We are funded strictly by donations and do not have memberships. If you are a regular user and would like to make a donation you can do so on the donation page.
Guiding Principles
- Create and open and inviting community for like minded people no matter of race, sex, religion or political affiliation.
- To educate and train anyone that has an interest in radio communications.
- Create an atmosphere that is blameless. We are all here to learn and sometimes it takes making mistakes to learn. This is a key element in our tool development, we are only going to build great solutions by learning along the way.
- To setup many types of repeaters, digipeaters, and other radio related items across the Mid-Atlantic where one is needed. We do not want to compete with other repeaters but setup radio related items for modes that are not yet available in an area. The ultimate goal is provide availability for any mode where you live.
- To create new and innovative tools for the amateur radio community.
We know that is a lofty set of goals, why not join us to help us make these goals achievable.
- Be kind and courteous to everyone
- Keep religion and politics off of the repeater
- Do not tailgate, wait for the courtesy tone
- Do not be a repeater hog
- Leave space for others in between conversations
- Read the repeater etiquette guide