The Mid Atlantic Wireless Communication Group and FARG have a number of repeaters, digipeaters, nodes, talkgroups, reflectors and rooms in operation. We are expanding our footprint regularly. Below are some details on the repeaters.
Frederick, MD
FM Repeaters
Callsign: W3FDK
TX: 146.73
RX: 146.13
PL: 141.3
Echolink Node: W3FDK-R (614369)
Coverage Map:

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Digital Repeaters
Callsign: W3FDK
TX: 441.9625
RX: 446.9625
Modes: DMR, D-star (all reflector type), YSF
Coverage Map:

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D-Star Repeaters
Callsign: W3FDK
TX: 444.800
RX: 449.800
Modes: D-star
Notes: Normally linked to reflector REF062C, Changes to REF062A on Wednesday nights from ~8pm to ~10pm for the weekly nets. Learn more about the nets here.
Coverage Map:

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Callsign: W3FDK
TX: 145.170
RX: 144.570
Modes: D-star
Notes: Not linked to any reflector. This repeater uses a shared pair while it awaits coordination. Please be kind to others, if you link it, please unlink it when you are done.
Coverage Map:

Click To View
Radio Configuration
We have created a page to help with the registration and setup of your D-Star radio. You can find it here:
These 3 settings are required for D-star to work properly. Here is what each of these are:
- URCALL: The command or linking / routing information
- CQCQCQ: For talking on the local repeater and/or going out to the connected reflector
- REFxxxL: command to link the local repeater to REFxxx.
- I: Get info like where the repeater is connected, etc
- U: Unlink local repeater from wherever it is connected to.
- CALL1: This is the callsign of the repeater and module that you are trying to talk to.
- There are some special formatting needed for this:
- Callsign must be 6 characters long. If you callsign is not 6 characters long, fill up the additional characters with spaces.
- There must be a single space between the callsign and module.
- The module is a single uppercase character
- Modules are in most if not all cases:
- A – 1.2 Ghz Voice
- B – 440 Mhz Voice
- C – 144 Mhz Voice
- There are some special formatting needed for this:
- CALL2: This is the callsign of the gateway you are trying to connect through. In most cases the callsign of the gateway is the same as the repeater.
- Similarly to CALL1 this has the same special format of 6 characters for callsign, a space and a single character that is always G for gateway.
More Help
We have created a page that describes how to setup your radio to access our D-Star repeaters. You can find it here:
Fusion / Wires-x
Callsign: W3FDK
TX: 441.800
RX: 446.800
Modes: FM / Fusion / Wires-X (Auto Mode)
Notes: New Repeater, Wires-X up soon
Channel: 20 (repeater)
TX: 462.675
RX: 467.675
PL: 141.3
This is also known as the Travel Channel
Related Pages
Frederick D-Star:
Reflector 62:
Digital: Link
Related FAQs
We changed the call sign for the D-Star repeater KB3YBH to W3FDK. In that process, we had to rebuild the gateway from scratch. Because you have to build from scratch, all of our previous registrations are no longer in the system and are not able to be changed.
Your Options
Your options are limited. Your callsign is still registered in the central system so you cannot re-register at a different gateway.
If you need to make changes you have to contact the D-star folks and have them remove your call sign and then re-register. We will update this FAQ with contact details once we know who they are.
This is an unfortunate consequence of changing a call sign for a D-Star repeater, there is not way to import the old database of users into a new call sign because you are already registered in the central database under the old call sign.
Some D-Star Links
Here are some links that might be able to help:
- (do not go to – it will try to infect your computer) – Has lots of good information on D-Star.
- – Instructions on how to register your call sign with D-Star.
You can see all of the FAQs here:
General Radio Questions
The term Codeplug has been popularized in recent years because of the rise of DMR, a commercial digital voice mode that has been adapted to Ham Radio.
Put simply, it is the config file that can be used to program a radio. Some people use Chirp or other software to program their radio. A codeplug is simply that config file.
The term originated from Motorola from back in the day when there was a physical “plug” that was used to setup the radio. DMR was popularized by Motorola and the term Codeplug is common among Motorola equipment.
Since DMR has become popular people have been using the term Codeplug to represent any radio config.